Awards & Recognition
All-Star Awards Dinner A case study
• To produce a gala event that recognizes and celebrates the All-Stars .
To develop a theme, design a stage set and room environment, that celebrates our recipients and makes them feel special and appreciated.
To create a new name for the Awards dinner, as it has been used previously.
To reinforce the importance of keeping the Chase brand promise.
To bring to life the visions and values of Chase.
To devise a streamlined process for award ceremony presentations, that allows 48 honorees to accept their awards and feel empowered. All in a 90-minute program.
To inspire all attendees to go the distance so they might be honored next year.
Add entertainment and pizzazz.
Our team worked with Chase personnel in the crafting of presenters scripts to convey and reinforce key messages and our agreed upon theme.
Lights go dark
Grab em quick. Create an instant adrenaline pump. Capture their imagination and hearts.
Video Roll establishes theme equating All stars to Heroes.
Live feed to big screens allows 850 attendees to have the best seat in the house.
The Voice of God introduces our host to the podium.
The executive host explains the benefits of the program, its mechanics and what it takes to be A Hero. He amplifies and cements the theme, by sharing his feelings concerning the aspects of heroes, referring to, going above and beyond and ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
Awards ceremony commences. The Voice of God introduces podium presenters.
End with a bang. The evening’s special guest speaker is introduced to the podium. He is an expert on Awards and Recognition programs. Partway through the speech our presenter ( music up) BURSTS INTO SONG. SURPRISING and grabbing attention. In this moment of HUH, the audience realizes our Faux Speaker is singing about what it takes to be an Allstar hero.
The attendees walk out “ Singing your message”.
OUTCOME: Together through teaming with our client we will assure bank members and their guests came away Jazzed by event theme and Allstars Service Program.Moved by the tribute paid to the heroes accomplishments.
Feeling a strong and personal connection to the Chase brand and values.
Empowered by recognition, praise, and applause.
Memories to last a lifetime.