InfoTaining Personalities for Speaker Support
Visualize the added impact at your next meeting when the companies Culture, Brand, Mission, Vision, Values, Goals, Products, and Services come to life. Reinforced, amplified and integrated with the song, drama, comedy, pathos, and passion.
Inform Educate Surprise Entertain That’s InfoTainment!
• Our customized programs share key elements that make them unique
• We utilize the talents of professional entertainers or InfoTainers: Available as voice’s, real people and animated characters.
• These personalities surprise and delight the crowd while adding dimension and content to the event.
• They support your goals and speakers.
• Act as audience advocates stimulating interactivity and opening communication flow.
• Know your stuff, use your buzz words and call you by name.
• They can be a part of your team or a special guest expert in your field.
• And they pop up at just the right moments. In the audience, at the podium or on the big screen to deliver a message, ask questions, or transform a routine speech into a compelling spirited, memorable InterActive dialog speech.
InfoTaining Personalities bring your information to life