If you are challenged when it comes to public speaking.

I can help.
Find your autentic voice?Searching For a Coach?


What I Do

Influence People with your voice.

Peter’s expertise is in facilitating growth in individuals and organizations to bring about positive changes in the areas of communication, and presentation performance improvement. He  coaches and empowers people to become more effective communicators, presenters, and public speakers, and transform their messages into memorable and impactful presentations.


Why hire a Public Speaking, Vocal Presentation Performance Coach?

No matter what you know, who you know, how smart you are and what you do in life, eventually you will have to share your feelings and knowledge OUT LOUD. Face 2 Face.
I will help you improve any spoken communications. From creating a speech or pitch, making a message strong, concise and clear, developing powerful vocal dynamics and overcoming a fear of public speaking.
I provide individual attention to focus on your specific development needs.
Sessions are results oriented, so you’ll come away with increased confidence, polish, refinement,encouragement, feedback, and better presentation performance skills.

I will help you improve any spoken communications

SO Be Honest!

How did your last pitch, sales call, speech, team meeting, interview, presentation go? 

Did your audience hang on your every word? 

Did they get what you were saying?

Did you lead the audience to action?

Was your slide presentation effective or lacking?

Were you an InterActive Listener?

Did your audience seem to be disappointed when your performance was over – they really wanted you to keep on talking?

If you are like the majority, the answer to most of these questions is “Not so much”.

All this means is that you need to learn a few tips, tricks and techniques to be a more effective communicator in your personal and professional life. I can help

 And the fact is, when you can out-pitch anyone in your field, on a moment’s notice…You will be more successful. You will win more opportunities. And it can change your life, along with the lives of everyone you love. You can do this. Now is your time.  “Peter the Pitchman” can help.

I offer customized and personalized coaching programs designed specifically to enable you to communicate authentically, emotionally and powerfully. 


Simple Steps

  • To analyze and understand your own strengths and weaknesses as a presenter
  • To be comfortable in your own skin and find the uniqueness of your style
  • To connect and affect listeners when you transfer information, share emotion, or persuade for change
  • To deal with performance anxiety, mannerisms, and other bad limiting habits that that prevent your effectiveness in presentation performance
  • To master “The 3 V’s of Effective Communication” Verbal, Vocal and Visual: That will leap frog you immediately to the next level of public speaking success.
  • To utilize the Emotion of Motion and body language to reinforce your presentation
    To be an “Interactive Listener” (That’s why you have two ears and one mouth)
  • To recreate your content to tell a story that captures audience attention and leads them to action
  • To create a daily self-training process, using self-video, self-analysis, focused exercises, and receiving valuable feedback.
  • To have fun in the process


Peter the Pitchman is a longtime program partner who regularly hosts interactive workshops and Office Hours as part of Venture Cafe Miami’s weekly programming for the innovation community. In person, his public speaking and communications workshops always packed the room with eager participants from different backgrounds and experience levels. Even with COVID and the transition to online events, Peter has adapted his offerings to be engaging, informative, and helpful. Highly recommend him.

Aileen Alon  Associate Director Venture Café│Miami

I have known Peter for a couple of years now, and he has been a great influence. I started going to his in-person Venture cafe public speaking workshops, and they really helped me with: 1. Making a powerful and impactful minute-long pitch; 2. Become more comfortable speaking publicly and actually enjoying it; 3. Implementing this public speaking skill into everyday life, and making me more comfortable with connecting with like minded people and generating an income from the clients I keep getting for my coaching business.

Life Coach

I reached out to Peter after hearing him speak at a virtual event on a community platform. In this talk, he spoke with confidence, passion and easily captured his audience's attention. These were the exact skills I was looking to build in order to tell my story as I entered a transition phase into a new career. After just a few sessions, I noticed my ability to speak in a clear and concise manner, to connect with my audience, had drastically changed. Working with Peter helped me take the next step in my journey. Peter, thank you for your support,advise and guidance!


Hi Peter, Thank you for your help and support on my pitching journey. I have worked with Peter Cummings the Pitch Man for six sessions, on improving my pitch performance. Peter gave many helpful suggestions and tips on the pitch storyline, word choices, delivering posture and vocals. Working with Peter, the most helpful thing would be that from the sessions I grew a solid understanding of different pitching goals and confidence.I went on to win a number of "pitch competitions and could not have done it without him. A great coach and listener. I have told many of my friends about Peter, and my improvement on my pitch performance. Best regards,

Krystal Kunyue Zheng founder Avril

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a public speaking workshop given by Peter Cummings. Public speaking has always been a weak point for me, but Peter presented practical tools and strategies to gain the audience's attention and get my message across. Peter reinforced those ideas by example, by keeping us engaged with lots of stories and interaction. I'm sure that by using even just a few of the concepts that Peter shared with us, anyone's presentations can become much more effective

Stephanie Kondrchek

Working with Peter on my ViewN seed funding pitch changed the way I approached public speaking. He taught me the how and why of the audience's response so as I pitch I can connect more naturally. I believe that my pitch after the coaching reflects polish, practice, and poise.

– Areeya Lila, ViewN co-founder


Don’t hesitate to sign up now for a free consultation and questionnaire.

You will also receive the “Six Tips for The InterActive Pitch” video. A bit outside the box and totally on target.